Flapping Bird in Kolding

HACK4DK 2023 project by Anders Bjørn Rørbæk Pedersen and Ulf Rørbæk Pedersen during a 24 hours hackaton,


Video presentation (flap.mp4).

Download game for Windows (flap.zip, 214 Mb)

Flapping Birds in Kolding is an interactive collage. It is a mashup of several datasets. The flying heads are from old portraits of Kolding citizens, (2100 portrait photos from 1857-1880 (Flickr API)), the pipes are made from 1067 house photos - Kolding City , and the background are from 4891 photos from 1957-1999 - Kolding City . The sounds effect are made from remix the first TVA (television newscast) on DR (the danish national radio). The background music is from Budapest String Quartet - String Quartet No. 17 (Mozart) - 2nd Movement - Menuetto moderato"